NSN 5895

NSN 5895 - Product Image


NSN 5895 is comprised of many different types of Miscellaneous Communication Equipment.  This NSN Classification has Complete Systems as well as Electronic Assemblies used in Communication Equipment.

Lokos Electronics has been manufacturing Electronic Components in the NSN Class 5915 and 5955 for over thirty years.  During this time frame Lokos has been involved with the integration of these components in many NSN 5895 Systems and Electronic Assemblies.  The experience and knowledge gained from this experience allows Lokos Electronics the capability to design and manufacture Electronic Assemblies for the NSN 5895.  The NSN 5895 is quite diverse with many Electronic Assemblies making up the entire class. Lokos has been involved with specific Assemblies but will continue to broaden our product offering as we develop additional technologies in the future.

Comprised of the following Electronic Assembly types:

  • Mixer Stage, Frequency
  • Modulator Sub Assembly
  • Synthesizer, Electrical Frequency
  • Tuner, Radio Frequency
  • Transmitter Sub Assembly
  • Converter, Frequency Electronic
  • Control, Receiver Transmit

NSN Class part numbers:

Lokos Electronics designs and manufactures specific NSN’s in the 5895 Class.

For all 5895 Electronic Assembly requirements contact Lokos Electronics or review our product portfolio.

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